
Late 2022 was a hard year for a lot of folks. My good friend since 2014 sent word that he was laid off from his full-time job as a Marketing Manager. But he took it as an opportunity to put everything into something he had been wanting to do for years but never had the time to – open his own wine shop. With no time to waste he asked if I was interested in doing branding for it.


For this phase, I did a mini-competitive analysis of brands and shops that were local to the area to see what they were doing, how they looked, and tried to find filters in a way that made sense. Here I filtered and scaled it by level of expression, from brands that felt very grounded and natural like LoLo, to the very futuristic, minimal or type-driven brands like Post Familiar. As we moved through phases, we pulled tonality from Sketchy, the P from Vintage Modern, and tied in colors from both.


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